
Case 12


  • Creative & Branding
  • Web, E-commerce & Apps

Fintech has been the buzzword in town. It is a wave of technological breakthrough to make banking and finance more efficient. In a move to reshape the realm of finance, E-Cash partnered with Madcradle Online to create an innovative online lending platform. Our objective was to realize E-Cash’s vision to provide fund providers and borrowers with the most convenient and secure online loan matching solution. We set out to create a tailor-made online platform that allows users to customize their borrowing and lending terms.

E-Cash needed a highly customized online platform that incorporates its innovative ideas of matching fund providers and borrowers and allowing users to customize their lending and borrowing terms. A cross-channel digital solution that incorporates website and mobile app can widen accessibility. In aligning with E-Cash’s brand strategy, the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) of the website and mobile app must be user-friendly, simple to navigate, and easily accessible by all users.

Efficiency is what counts in the world of finance. We crafted the UX and UI of E-Cash’s website and mobile app to ensure smooth transitions and a seamless user experience. To allow users to easily understand the application procedures, we worked closely with E-Cash to make sure the online platform presented all important messages in a clear and precise manner. We tailor-made the lending and borrowing application process to enable users to customize their terms. By integrating an easy-to-use calculator into the platform, users can calculate their monthly interest and return on investment (ROI) handily. Through the platform, fund providers and borrowers can flexibly select the borrowing terms and ROI they wish to have. To optimize E-Cash’s vision of matching fund providers and borrowers, we customized the Content Management System (CMS) with matching algorithms to help E-Cash’s administrator link up the best matches. Understanding that security and privacy is of utmost important to financial data, the CMS we offer is safe and secure.

By realizing E-Cash’s vision, we reinforced its brand image as an innovative pioneer in the realm of finance. We successfully created an innovative online lending platform that brought ease and convenience to fund providers and borrowers. The tailor-made UX and UI of the website and mobile app bolstered E-Cash’s brand image. We established a consistent digital presence by coordinating the brand visuals of E-Cash’s website and mobile app. In customizing the Content Management System with matching algorithms, we optimized the matchmaking capability of the online lending platform.

1 We forged lasting connections between E-Cash and consumers by merging brand objectives with creative UX and UI, showcasing relevant website brand visuals and designs.

2 Websites and mobile apps are the introductory handshakes with your audience. Our UX and UI designers can realize your visions by crafting the best customer journey.

3 With a user-based approach to UX and UI designs for seamless transitions from page to page, we integrated an easy-to-use calculator into the website for users to calculate their interest rates and ROI with ease.

4 To build a strong brand image, we adopted consistent brand visuals across E-Cash’s website and mobile app.

5 Mobile has overtaken desktop as the primary digital device. We customized the UX and UI of E-Cash’s mobile app with a simple matching process to bring ease to users.

6 Advance in technologies brings efficiency. We customized the Content Management System to optimize the matching of fund providers and borrowers.
